Useful materials you can gather

The Best way to Understand Life Now, is to Understand Life Before

The preponderance of smart phones and social media means that video is everywhere. Chances are, someone, somewhere has video of your client. To see them moving around, living in the world, gives us an infinitely better idea of their essence and contribution to the world. These videos can take time to gather, but it is time well spent. Some obvious places to look (other than Facebook and Instagram), are:

*Recent weddings*Group trips
*Birthday parties*Graduations
*Company Outings*Extended Family
*Family Reunions*Work Promotions


These do not need to be formal or even good. It may be counter-intuitive, but fun, personality shots work well. 

Pictures are also always useful if video is not available. We recommend informal settings and personality shots. These films are about love. Loving pictures and friendly groups are very useful.

When building the liability section of your film, look for surveillance footage. Gas stations and government buildings seem to always have a camera somewhere. You need to get to these ASAP to preserve the files before they are overwritten.

And of course we’ve edited in things like truck black box info, car cams, bus cams, police body cams, 911 calls, and witness cell phone footage. However, it's a good idea to spend some time getting ANY media that exists of your incident. Just because the video doesn’t show your client, the audio may be very enlightening. Off-camera audio can be very useful in better understanding the timing of events and the pain or shock of the incident.